Steps in Setting Goals

 1. Decide what you want to achieve in life and write it down. Always start your goal with the word “I” followed by an action verb. Sample “I create”, “I accomplish”, and “I gain”, and this will help your subconscious mind accept the instruction. You can create goals in each category below. Did you journal your trade today?

Family goal

Personal/Self Development goal

Business/Career goal

2. Make each goal very specific and set a deadline date. For example “I gain 100,000 profit in my business by the end of 2022”.

3. For every goal create a list of tasks that you can think of to achieve your goal. The list of tasks can grow as you progress in achieving goals. Sample tasks below.

    a. Need to promote my business on social media platforms.

    b. Need to create an online store website for my business.

    c. Need to set up delivery service.

4. Plan and organize the list of tasks based on urgency and importance. This step will give clarity and help you achieve your goal faster. Sample re-arrangement made from the above example.

    b. Need to create an online store website for my business.

    c. Need to set up delivery service.

    a. Need to promote my business on social media platforms.

5. If you write many goals review them again and pick one goal that will have the greatest positive impact on your life.

6. Start accomplishing the goal you pick and enjoy the journey.
